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Correlations Between Autism and Hep B & DTaP Vaccines

Take a look at the chart below. It shows research data from the CDC that there has been steady INCREASE of Autism Spectrum Disorder since 1992. Based on their data, there has never been any other instance in our history that can compare to what we are seeing today. Also note that there was a significant jump in Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnoses for those born in 2002.  The questions you should ask yourself is,  “Why the sudden increase?” Some would say the increase is due to improved diagnostic tools.   I personally do not believe the increase is due to improved diagnostic tools because numerous parents stated that their  doctors did not want to give their child an ASD diagnosis. Many parents spent years fighting for their child to be properly diagnosed.  [Continued below…]

Surveillance YearBirth YearNumber of ADDM Sites ReportingCombined Prevalence per 1,000 Children (Range Across ADDM Sites)This is about 1 in X children…
1 in 150
1 in 150
1 in 125
1 in 110
1 in 88
1 in 68
1 in 69
1 in 59
1 in 54

Based upon the data shown above, there seems to be a significant increase in ASD diagnosis for those born circa 2002. So the question is, “What was going on in 2002? What is the one thing that every child in 2002 had in common?” One of the things that these kids had in common was  a particular vaccine.   

Take a look at the 2002 vaccination schedule below. Now Go to the vaccine history website and look at the list of vaccines that were discontinued or updated vs the ones that are still being given today, BUT was not given to kids in 1991.  The first vaccine you will notice is the Hep B vaccine. In 1991, it was not given at birth. According to the data provided by The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Hep B was given at birth starting in 1992, which coincidently is when the data from the CDC starts. Also, there is an additional correlation between the sudden jump in ASD diagnosis and the  new versions of existing vaccines: acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP) in 1997.  

Let me be clear, I am not saying that the Hep B, DTaP or any vaccine caused or causes ASD. What I am saying is that there seems to be a correlation between the use of certain vaccines and the increase in ASD. More research and study needs to be done to see if there is a true significant correlation between Hep B, DTaP and ASD.

If you have a child born between 1992 and 2016, and they have been diagnosed with ASD, please share their vaccine schedule in the comment section below. 

The 2002 Vaccination Schedule

1. Hepatitis B vaccine (Hep B). All infants should receive the first dose of hepatitis B vaccine soon after birth and before hospital discharge; the first dose may also be given by age 2 months if the infant’s mother is HBsAg-negative. Only monovalent hepatitis B vaccine can be used for the birth dose. Monovalent or combination vaccine containing Hep B may be used to complete the series; four doses of vaccine may be administered if combination vaccine is used. The second dose should be given at least 4 weeks after the first dose, except for Hib-containing vaccine which cannot be administered before age 6 weeks. The third dose should be given at least 16 weeks after the first dose and at least 8 weeks after the second dose. The last dose in the vaccination series (third or fourth dose) should not be administered before age 6 months.

Infants born to HBsAg-positive mothers should receive hepatitis B vaccine and 0.5 mL hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIG) within 12 hours of birth at separate sites. The second dose is recommended at age 1–2 months and the vaccination series should be completed (third or fourth dose) at age 6 months.

Infants born to mothers whose HBsAg status is unknown should receive the first dose of the hepatitis B vaccine series within 12 hours of birth. Maternal blood should be drawn at the time of delivery to determine the mother’s HBsAg status; if the HBsAg test is positive, the infant should receive HBIG as soon as possible (no later than age 1 week).

2. Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP). The fourth dose of DTaP may be administered as early as age 12 months, provided 6 months have elapsed since the third dose and the child is unlikely to return at age 15–18 months.Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids (Td) is recommended at age 11–12 years if at least 5 years have elapsed since the last dose of tetanus and diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccine. Subsequent routine Td boosters are recommended every 10 years.

3. Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) conjugate vaccine. Three Hib conjugate vaccines are licensed for infant use. If PRP-OMP (PedvaxHIB or ComVax [Merck] is administered at ages 2 and 4 months, a dose at age 6 months is not required. DTaP/Hib combination products should not be used for primary immunization in infants at ages 2, 4, or 6 months, but can be used as boosters following any Hib vaccine.

4. Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV). An all-IPV schedule is recommended for routine childhood polio vaccination in the United States. All children should receive four doses of IPV at ages 2 months, 4 months, 6–18 months, and 4–6 years.

5. Measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (MMR). The second dose of MMR is recommended routinely at age 4–6 years but may be administered during any visit, provided at least 4 weeks have elapsed since the first dose and that both doses are administered beginning at or after age 12 months. Those who have not previously received the second dose should complete the schedule by the 11–12-year-old visit.

6. Varicella vaccine. Varicella vaccine is recommended at any visit at or after age 12 months for susceptible children, i.e., those who lack a reliable history of chickenpox. Susceptible persons aged 13 years should receive two doses, given at least 4 weeks apart.

7. Pneumococcal vaccine. The heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) is recommended for all children age 2–23 months. It is also recommended for certain children age 24–59 months. Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV) is recommended in addition to PCV for certain high-risk groups. See MMWR 2000;49(RR-9):1–35.

8. Hepatitis A vaccine. Hepatitis A vaccine is recommended for use in selected states and regions, and for certain high-risk groups; consult your local public health authority. See MMWR 1999;48(RR-12):1–37.

9. Influenza vaccine. Influenza vaccine is recommended annually for children age 6 months with certain risk factors (including, but not limited to, asthma, cardiac disease, sickle cell disease, HIV, diabetes; see MMWR 2001;50(RR-4):1–44, and can be administered to all others wishing to obtain immunity. Children aged 12 years should receive vaccine in a dosage appropriate for their age (0.25 mL if age 6–35 months or 0.5 mL if aged 3 years). Children aged 8 years who are receiving influenza vaccine for the first time should receive two doses separated by at least 4 weeks.



1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Impact of the 1999 AAP/ USPHS joint statement on thimerosal in vaccines on infant hepatitis B vaccination practices. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2001;50:94–7.

2. American Academy of Family Physicians, American Academy of Pediatrics, Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, U.S. Public Health Service. Joint statement concerning removal of thimerosal from vaccines. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved November 2001, from:

3. Institute of Medicine, Immunization Safety Review Committee, Board on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. Immunization safety review: thimerosal-containing vaccines and neurodevelopmental disorders. Washington D.C.: National Academy Press, 2001.

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