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Why COVID Symptoms Vary In Different People

Today I want to talk to you about why is it that some people survive COVID while others die from it. I am going to provide you with the latest research and what they have found. Let me just say, their findings are quit shocking. 

The first thing I need to explain is how COVID works according to science. COVID works by connecting itself to a specific ectoenzyme. What is an ectoenzyme? It is secretion that is produced by a cell. In this case, the specific ectoenzyme that covid connects to is the ACE-2 ectoenzyme. The ACE-2 ectoenzyme is anchored to the plasma membrane of the cells of several tissues, especially those of the lower respiratory tract, heart, kidney and gastrointestinal tract.

Ectoenzymes in your lungs.

This explains why COVID can attack various organs in our body and cause devastating effects.
Now the question remains, how is it that COVID kills some and not others? Why is it that some get the sniffles and others get pneumonia?

That answer is quite easy to answer. According to research published in the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, it shows that the severity of sickness depends upon how many viral spores enters your nostrils at one given moment. This is why when you get tested for covid, they use a nasal swab. The virus enters your nose, and attaches itself to the ACE2 Ectoenzyme and it incubates and reproduces more spores, then it spreads by connecting to surrounding ACE2 Ectoenzymes. The spores that don’t connect are usually floating in your blood stream with nothing to connect to until it reaches another organ that has ACE2 ectoeymes. Then once it finds the ACE2 Ectoenzyme, it then starts the incubation process, multiplies and then spreads.

This is why scientist have asked us to wear face mask. The purpose of the facemask is to prevent or decrease the number of spores entering our nostrils. See, according to the research if you have one spore enter your nose, you probably will be asymptomatic. The more spores you have, the more severe your sickness will be.

This will give you a relative idea of the size of the Corona virus.

Now I know some of you are saying, “Dr. Usher, The masks cannot stop a virus! It’s scientifically proven that the spores can pass right through.” Well, that is true if the virus was free floating all by itself. But usually the virus is contained within droplets of water. Water has an electrical charge that it tends to attach it self to objects close to it. Hence, if you are wearing a mask, the odds are that the droplets will attach itself to the fibers of the mask. Also, think about your nostrils. You have hair in your nostrils. The purpose of those hairs is to filter out contaminants in the air, which includes viruses. Now look how far apart your nose hairs are. They do a great job at protecting you. Well, wearing a mask is an added layer of protection. If the virus droplets make it through the mask, then they still have to pass by the nose hairs. This is why people who wear a mask, tend to not get as sick as those who don’t.

Nearly all mask can protect against 1 micron.
This graph shows how effective common household materials can help filter 1 -micron particles.
This is a study conducted by NSF to show how effective a homemade cloth mask can be.

What can you do to protect your ACE2 ectoenzymes from being contaminated with COVID spores? Well, if you are going into a place where there is a risk of someone having COVID then there are a few things you can do. The first thing you should do is wear a mask. Once you are away from the high risk area, clean your nose with anti viral sprays. The most popular on the planet is Zycam. This allegedly will do two things: (1) it will cleanse your nose, and (2) it will hinder viral reproduction. The second thing you can do is remember that Pepsin is an ACE2 exctoenzyme. The less you have, the less the virus can attach itself to it. Some researchers have experimented with taking proton pump inhibitors such as PEPCID to decrease the secretion of ectoenzymes. This has shown promising results, but Pepcid manufactures discourage the use for COVID.

As I close, please remember that the information I provide here is not meant to diagnose or treat any sickness or disease. You will need to follow the recommendations of your own medical professional. 


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