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Lesson #3: Traits of a Narcissist

The difference between a narcissist and a person who is walking in love is one simple thing, REPENTANCE. A person who is walking in LOVE has a heart of repentance. They are quick to repent, and quick to apologize. A narcissist is the total opposite. 

 Open up your Bible to 1 Corinthians chapter 13. This chapter is a very popular chapter. It is one of the most quoted chapters in modern times. Both secular and non-secular quote from this chapter all the time. You may have even heard some tv personality quote this, or you might have even seen quotes from this chapter written on little knick-knacks in your local store. But did you know that this chapter reveals to us the very essence of a narcissist. This chapter actually defines and describes what a narcissist is, and how a narcissist thinks, acts, and behaves??

Well, what I am going to do is give you a key on how to unlock this secret. So what I want you to do is replace the word LOVE with the word Narcissist. So lets go through this verse using our key word. And lets start with verse 4:

Verse 4:
A Narcissist does NOT suffers long and is NOT kind;
A Narcissist does envy;
A Narcissist parade itself, and is puffed up;

A Narcissist behaves rudely, and seeks its own,
A Narcissist provokes, and thinks evil;

Verse 6
A Narcissist rejoices in iniquity, but does NOT rejoice in the truth;

Verse 7:
A Narcissist does NOT bears all things, does NOT believes all things, does NOT hope all things, and does NOT endures all things.

Verse 11:
When A NARCISSIST was a child, A NARCISSIST spoke as a child, A NARCISSIST understood as a child, A NARCISSIST thought as a child; but when A NARCISSIST became a man/WOMAN, A NARCISSIST DOES NOT put away childish things.

See narcissistic people are emotionally immature and not willing or capable of the empathy needed in order to walk in L-O-V-E with others. Does this mean we should turn our backs on them? Absolutely NOT. But I do want you to be aware that when you are walking in L-O-V-E, and you encounter a narcissist, you do not need to fall for their manipulation and abuse. Remember, a narcissist cannot see their own short comings, but they sure can easily point out every mistake and error you have ever made.

The difference between a narcissist and a person who is walking in love is one simple thing, REPENTANCE. A person who is walking in LOVE has a heart of repentance. They are quick to repent, and quick to apologize. A narcissist is the total opposite. A narcissist will never accept blame for their actions. In fact, if you want to see if YOU are a narcissist or not, I will give you a simple one question test… ready? Here is goes… When was the last time you apologized to anyone for something you did wrong? A narcissist will have trouble with answering this question. So, let me close with this… If you have gone more than one month without apologizing to someone, then you very well may be a narcissist.

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