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Why Scientist Believe 2100 A.D. Could Be The End of All Mankind

According to some scientist, the earth will suffer a breakdown of its capacity support humanity. This breakdown is believed to be caused by the over population of the earth. Governments around the world are in a frenzy trying to come up with ways to avert this disastrous future.  Some governments have implemented sterilization and birth control programs. Others promote abortion on demand. The most prominent was China’s one child policy.  Of course none of those efforts worked. So there is a new effort that numerous world governments are pushing.  

This new effort is the alleged LGBTQ solution. Many scientists and governments believe that homosexuality is the solution to over population, and those supporting this effort stand to make BILLLIONS of dollars in profit from the pharmaceuticals that many LGBTQ patients need to survive.  The chart below shows how major pharmaceutical companies (one in particular) stocks grew ~300% upon the approval of LGBTQ transgender rights, also known as Human Rights. 

The information below shows the type of medications transgenders need to take on a daily basis.  If you research the manufacturers of these medications, you will see that they are also connected to huge lobbyist groups that support both conservative policies and progressive policies. In short, these corporations are playing both sides.  

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29. CITATION Mentioned in the video:
Ecological Modelling
Volume 222, Issue 12, 24 June 2011, Pages 2019-2026
Ecological Modelling Harvesting the sun: New estimations of the maximum population of planet Earth. SiegfriedFrancka, Wernervon Bloha, Christoph Müllera, Alberte Bondeaua, B. Sakschewskib

2 Responses

  1. What is your opinion concerning the decrease in population worldwide due to a deadly virus?

    1. The Bible says that there will come a virus that will kill 1/3 of the entire population. I have a suspicion that such a virus will be man made.

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