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Tips For Helping Transgender Youth

We, as Christians can no longer ignore what transgender youth are feeling. It is alleged that they actually feel that they are in the wrong body. Who are we to determine what they are feeling is real or not? For me it is apparently real to them because transgender youth are willing to mutilate their physical bodies in order to reconcile their dysphoria and find some sort of peace in their souls.

According to Gallup, with 21% of Generation-Z adults identifying as LGBT in the survey, almost double the rate of Millennials, five times that of Generation X and eight times the rate of Baby Boomers.

Transgender youth will undergo mastectomies, castration, phalloplasty, metoidioplasty, and vaginoplasty all in an attempt to reconcile their dysphoria. This type of behavior is not normal! 

It is time we call upon our legislatures to investigate why this is happening to this generation! 

I am calling on every American to write their legislature! Copy and paste this this message:

“Dear Legislature:
As a concerned citizen of the United States, I am asking you to open an investigation as to why there is such an increase in Gen Z struggling with  transgenderism. This has never been seen before in the history of human kind, and it is my belief that there could be an environmental cause.  Please research all plausible causes including chemicals, vaccines, and contamination of food and water supply. Leave no stone unturned until we have an acceptable answer. “

One Response

  1. I wrote my Senator requesting reinforcement of legislature banning gender manipulation on youths and on intersex children until they reach adulthood and can make an informed decision. I also requested a recommendation for psychiatric care for children in Florida experiencing Gender Dysphoria, to provide and opportunity for them to find stability within their own thought processes, and to provide an opportunity for medical treatment if in fact any are found to be developing a delusion that needs treatment. I referenced Dr Usher in my letter.

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